This is a concept that is
life changing.
In order to reach the high
level of success, self confidence and prosperity that you want, you have to
Who's Controlling Your
"if you do not run
your subconscious mind yourself, someone else will run it for you" -
Florence Scovel
"Whoever controls the
media controls the mind" - Jim Morrison
Reprogram your mind and
brainwash yourself for the purpose of creating a desired effect.
To succeed, you have to
exercise your will power, be diligent and persistent.
Repetition is the KEY
The subconscious mind is
extremely powerful but also extremely vulnerable
The FACTS are:
Your subconscious mind is
1. Always on duty and recording what you hear, see and say and
even things that you are not consciously viewing . This is how subliminal
messages are passed on. If you fall asleep with the TV on, your subconscious is
fully awake and absorbing all the messages and activities going on in the TV
2. It is a giant tape recorder. It records and stores all of your
life's memories and experiences. It stores all events as mental movies and
images in the mind
3. It does not hear no or not; if you say I will not take
cigarette, the image that appears in your mind is cigarette and so you continue
to think about it
4. It cannot comprehend the future. The subconscious mind only
knows NOW, the PRESENT is the only tense that exists in the subconscious;
that's why if you have goals, you should see them as already accomplished and
not things to be yet accomplished
5. Our subconscious mind controls 95% of our lives. It forms our
habits and we are creatures of habit. This means that the conscious mind is
only in control of 5% of our lives
6. The subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between your
imagination and the actual event (reality); that's why you get scared with
goose bumps while watching a scary movie; you consciously know that it is not
real but the subconscious mind cannot tell the difference and so it produces
the effect the movie has on you (goose bumps)
7. Repetition creates new beliefs in the subconscious mind. Say or
hold onto any thought long enough and the subconscious mind will begin to
believe it even if it is false
On a quantum level, you
will literally begin to attract the very things you place in your subconscious
You attract the things
that you think about most often - this is the Law of Attraction which states
that "you would draw to yourself the situation, circumstances, people and
events that match your dominant feelings, thoughts and words"
Your thoughts are a form
of dynamic energy that attract to you exactly what you think.
Since the subconscious
mind forms our habits, we usually think the same thoughts over and over again
and this is why we get the same reality over and over again.
In order for us to
consciously choose a better reality, we must reprogram our subconscious thoughts
and brainwashing yourself is the best way to do it.
Repetition is the KEY to acquiring a new habit and once that habit is formed it is reinforced by REPETITION