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Know This And Have Some Peace


Know This And Have Some Peace...


I have visited my 120 years old grandmother and given  her some money when I was leaving and she told me she doesn't need money again. That she can no longer buy nor sell at her age, so I should give the money to the younger ones who need it.

I also have a former governor friend whom I worked with as a green horn journalist. He was governor from 1999-2007. Not too long ago, I saw him. After check in, he was left seated by the corner of the Murtala Mohammed international airport awaiting his flight. No one even recognized him again, not even passengers from his State where he was governor, and as I walked up to him and greeted him, then asked if he wanted any assistance, he stretched forth his trembling hands to hold me and simply said, "Thank you for even recognizing me again. I just want your attention briefly my son. Sit down let me ask you something. How is Governor Ayade doing Agba?"

I also have a retired Major General friend whom I served as a golf caddy at the NDA golf course in Kurmi Mashi, Kaduna. He was so rich he built a beautiful house he was so proud of. I visited him too not long ago and wanted us to climb to our favorite spot at his balcony upstairs. He stared at me with a broad smile and said, "Jally, I can't remember the year I went up there. It is lizards and cob webs and the likes that live there now. Even the kids, when they come, they don't enjoy my company in the house anymore than a few hours and they are gone. I don't have the limbs to climb up there again and the cost of cleaning keeps getting higher."

I have seen a lot more things. How yesterday became the day before, and how today became yesterday, and how tomorrow became today. How the past became history, and how the present became the past, and how the future became the present. Nothing ever remains where it is.

Your strength, your muscles, your beauty, your wealth, your guts, your worth, your courage, your talent, your YOU, will progressively diminish until it returns to source.

The richest man in the world in the 1960s will be on the payroll of the richest man in the world today.

Even the strongest lion in the jungle will someday become weak, frail and be eaten by the same predators it once terrorized.

Keep that in mind always and know that no matter how appealing and tempting that thing may seem, our interest in it will diminish with time. Our strength to consume or own it will vanish with time, until everything is surely taken away from us or we are surely taken away from everything.

Yours sincerely,

Citizen Agba Jalingo


  1. 1. I felt a sense of emptiness at the office we let money occupy in our minds thinking that it is everything.

    2. No, we need to live a comfortable life but we shouldn't put that ambition if comfort as our only motivation... Love, friends, inner peace, fulfillment are other things that will last in our hearts even when the money is gone. So I don't think we should scrape all I think is we should put a balance and not be like Shylock in the merchant of Venice.

    3. So that we can value all that He gives us knowing that all can vanish at an instant and all can be restored at a snap of the finger kind of gives life that unpredictability that helps us hoping, praying, fighting and encouraging ourselves to do more and give more. So that when we live our good works will outlive us.


    1. Great write up here
      God loves us so much He gave us His All - JESUS - that through Him we may have life and live it more abundantly

  2. 1. Sobriety.
    2. No : Because we came into the world with nothing and shall leave with nothing does not mean that we should scrape and manage life. We should live life to the fullest and make our mark to glorify God in everything we do and also assist humanity but we should all bear in mind that at the end of the day what will count will be the good deeds we did to and for humanity. That the mansions we built or the millions we kept in the bank will be meaningless.
    3.The Creator made everything in abundance so that humans will enjoy life to the fullest while glorifying him, the Creator !

    1. The wealth creation journey is one sanctioned by the Most High and should be undertaken by all men so that they can live out their full potentials

  3. 1). Goose pimples shouldered all around me as an expression of the vanity of this passage called "life".

    2). The injunction from the biblical account of creation instills in us the first order of continuous existence="go into the world and multiply, have dominion and replenish the earth". Same account from the Bible stated that, the earth was "formless". So if we don't actually explore this Earth, where then will be our existence and life after all.

    First, God is love. His design is just perfect that's why.

    Secondly, he knew that, life will be worthless without those wonderful creatures.

    Thirdly, God knows that, it's only onus on him to furnish us with those scintillating things in which we cannot provide for ourselves. No matter how much we think, we can't create those aesthetic things ably left in the hands of THE ALMIGHTY HIMSELF.

    Against these backdrops, God made all things beautiful because he is beautiful.

    1. Having money is not a vain thing
      it is worshipping money that is vain and that is what God frowns at

  4. 1. Solemnity,knowing that nothing lasts forever

    2. No, I don't agree. I feel we should make the best out of life. The Holy book teaches us so as exemplified by the parable of the talents. What legacy are we leaving behind if one just manages his life. We have one life to live hence we should stretch to the limit, maximize our talents and resources,make impactful and lasting impression on people and leaving a good legacy for generations yet unborn. In doing this, we are contributing our quota and making the world a better place

    One may argue these things are vanity but really do we just fold our hands, No..we should make the best of life

    3. The creator in his supreme wisdom have made everything in abundance. He has given us all that pertains to life and godliness because he wants us to live a purposeful life while on Earth. He wouldn't have if he didn't want such life for us. There are principles governing our existence and anyone who understands it lives meaningfully. He has also given us everything because he wants to manifest his glory. The creator loves mankind and he is so unbiased on the principles about human existence

    He made things in abundance because of his love and the need to make mankind comfortable here on Earth

    Thank you

    1. God is a God of abundance and whoever would serve Him in all honesty should also be a person of abundance

  5. This life should be conscious of the most important things in,friends,empowerment of people, putting a smile on people's faces. Living a life of abundance. This matters

  6. 1: Everything is vanity upon vanity without good deeds.
    2: No- because no matter anything we need to live in comfort and not just to scrape and manage life. But we should astrive to put balance in it and assist humanity because our good deeds count at the end of the day.
    3: Because God loves mankind and wants us to enjoy life and have it in abundance and also to manifest his glory.

  7. It reminded me of the words of King Solomon that this life is vanity upon vanity.
    No! That we came into this World with nothing and we shall leave with nothing does not mean we should just scrape and manage life? We should live this life to fullest because this life has no duplicate. We should always strive to live our mark and always to be remembered for good and not bad because once we are no more nobody will remember your mansions or you are billionaire but only the deeds we did while still living.
    The Creator made everything in abundance even though He knew that we are just one breath away from the other side of eternity because of his love for us. So we have a choice, either we live it to the fullest in His glory or we don’t.

  8. 1. My first emotion was sadness at their lack of positivity
    2.Definitely not! The maker has given us all things richly to enjoy according to 1Timothy 6:17
    3 God blesses us so that we can be a blessing to others.

    1. When God blesses you please be a blessing to another person - at least one

  9. 1. Life itself is vanity upon vanity. Enjoy while it last. Nothing last forever in this life.

    2. Life itself is a transit, we are constantly on a journey of up and down. Everything we have worked for will never go with us. The best we can fonis to enjoy it while we are still alive. We are never going to go to the land of the dead with all that we have acquired no matter how we earnestly want it.

    3. The creator in his infinite goodness has mad everything in abundance even when we decide nonto notice it or believe it. The world has so much to offer. He has given the opportunity to harness all the good things of life. It is never going to get exhausted no matter how the population increases. He has also given us the opportunity to explore and enjoy all the good things of life because it is never going to get exhausted. Its in our hands to enjoy and appreciate nature


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