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21 Days Mindset Change Challenge With Dr Jerry - the First

Hello Friend

From the 10th of July 2018 up and until the 31st of July 2018, we are engaging in a #MINDSET #CHANGE #CHALLENGE

Our minds are made up of the Conscious and the Subconscious.

The conscious mind is what helps us to remember to do the things we have promised ourselves that we are going to do but our characters, habits and all that make us live the life we want to live are domiciled in the subconscious mind.

Our subconscious mind comes into existence the very first day we were born into the world. It begins to collect and store information, actions, words said to us by our parents, our teachers, our uncles and aunts and as we grow, it waxes stronger and stronger.

Our subconscious mind is our Police man, it is the subconscious mind that gives us the impetus to do or not to do; invariably the subconscious mind is more POWERFUL than the conscious mind because if it has not given the command, there can be no movement or action.

The default setting of life is that of limitation, that of restriction, that of fear and that of accepting failure as an act of God and these are all resident in the subconscious mind and so if we want to live a life of great success, a life of achievement, a life of conquest, we need to overcome our subconscious mind. We need to train it to give us just what we ask it to and that is where the Mindset Change comes into play.

This 21 Day Mindset Change Challenge therefore is necessary for those who are unable to make a decision, those who lack any of these character traits

Determination ™
Discipline ™
Focus ™
Self-Worth ™
Self-Esteem ™
Self-Assurance ™
Creativity ™
Flexibility ™
Resiliency ™
Vision ™
Patience ™
Courage ™

If you find it difficult to make a decision, then this Challenge is for you
If you find it difficult to start off a task, this challenge is for you
If you find it difficult to finish a task that you have started, this Challenge is for you
And if you find it difficult to make a choice, take this challenge this season
If you procrastinate a lot, this Challenge will help you get started without undue delay

Never underestimate the power of strengthening your mind. Get your mind in a great place first, and it makes everything else much easier.

If you have ever found yourself harbouring such thoughts like, "I am not able to do this or that"
" I am not lovable"
"I cannot hold onto a robust relationship"
"I am broke"
"I don't have money" and all those confessions of lack and deprivation

If you are your own worst critic and quick to say negative things about you, then give this Challenge a chance to help you change your confessions in just 21 days

Brain Scientists and Psychologists have confirmed that it takes a minimum of 21 days to change an old habit and engage with a new desirable one. So just 21 days and your life will take the turn for the better if only you participate in this Challenge

Are you in?
Click HERE  to register

Registration closes on the 8th of July 2018 while the 9th of July will be used for orientation and the Challenge proper will commence on the 10th of July 2018.

I am excited to undertake this Challenge myself and I do hope you would be excited too.

Your mindset is a muscle that can be strengthened and improved upon.
Allow this Challenge to help you

See you on the inside

Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP
Challenge Director


  1. A very good introduction to the Challenge
    I am sure a lot of people were blessed


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