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Mando And His World


Mando And His World


As a child, Mando believed that he would make a difference in his world. Something in him used to tell him that he did not belong to the world he was presently in.

Mando's world was that of lack and deprivation. His family was poor, utterly poor and Mando was the 8th of 10 Children that his Parents had. His Father was a subsistent farmer and his Mother a petty trader. They could barely afford 2 meals in a day. Because of the many mouths to feed, both Parents sometimes went hungry just to ensure that their children had something to eat. Clothing was a different kettle of fish, Mando and his siblings barely had clothes and went bare-bodied most of the time. Sandals and silpas were a luxury, but they got used to moving around bare feet even on thorny surfaces.

Being a farmer, Mando's Father would leave the house very early in the morning and come back late in the evening. Sometimes, his wife would cook and then send the food with one of the children to the man while in the farm.

None of the children went beyond Primary 3 before they were withdrawn from School due to inability to pay fees.

At the age of 10 years and still unable to go to School, Mando used to wonder why his Father had so many children knowing well that he could not cater for them all and so one day he asked his Mother why she gave birth to many of them, she in turn told him to ask his Father.

Not being one to be daunted, Mando decided that he would ask his Father whenever he knew that he was in a good mood because the man had a temper and never tolerated any nonsense from any of the children. He used to beat them blue and black when they went astray.

One evening after he had come back from the farm, taken his bath and having eaten his food,  and lying down under the Mango tree in the Compound and soaking in the cool evening breeze, Mando felt that his Father was in a good mood to be approached and he did approach him. But before presenting his concern to his Father, he pleaded with him not to be angry at his question, the man was piqued and very curious to know what his favorite son wanted to ask him, so he gave his pledge not to be angry. Then Mando threw the question - "Father", he said, "why is it that you have many children and your earnings cannot support all of us?"

Instead of being angry, the man burst into a long laughter and soon as he was through with laughing, he called out to his wife - Mama Mando and then summoned the other children to come and listen to the answer to Mando's question.

This was a rare occurrence in the family as they never had that kind of time to sit together and converse like family members.

The man proceeded to tell the tale of how his own Grand Father had hoped to build a large Compound by bringing 6 men into the World and then how death dealt a big blow by taking away 3 of them in their childhood and of the remaining three, one vehemently refused to marry and died without leaving any child behind while  of the other two that eventually married, one went on to have girls as children - 8 of them while his own Father had 7 children, 2 men and 5 women. He told them that as a child his father kept drumming it into his ears that as the first son, it is his responsibility to ensure that the male lineage of the Family grew; he said that is why he is very grateful to his God that he has been blessed with 7 male children and 3 female children and that it is now their turn when they get married to ensure that the male lineage continues to grow. He told them that it is God that gives wealth and that when it is his turn to be wealthy, he would be but until then, he would keep doing what he was doing to provide for his family as much as lieth in him. They all listened to him in silence and when he was done, he wished them good night but before he left his Father's side, Mando told him that he wanted to be like other children, go to school and learn new things. He got no response to that request.

After that encounter with his Father, Mando came to know that it may take a long time for his father to be wealthy to be able to send him to School, so he resolved to go to School on his own if he could help it. From thenceforth, whenever the Parents were out - the Father to the farm and the Mother to the local market, Mando will take his 2 younger siblings and they would go and lay in wait near the only Primary School in the Community waiting for the Pupils to come out to play during the break period, then they would join them to play with their bare bodies and bare feet.

This went on for more than 3 weeks and then one of the Teachers took notice of that and decided to inform the Head Master. The next day when Mando and his siblings came to play with the Pupils, they were apprehended by the Teachers and taken to the Head Master's Office. A nice Gentleman, the Head Master assured them that nothing will happen to them but that he was only keen to know why they were coming to the School premises to play with the Pupils. Mando answered him that they too would like to be Pupils in the School but that his Father did not have the money to pay for their fees or buy sandal and clothes for them or buy their text books. On inquiry, Mando told the Head Master his Father's name and because the man's reputation had preceded him, the Head Master did not waste time in recognizing him as the man who used to withdraw his children from School as soon as they got to Primary 3, so he promised Mando that he would come and speak with his Father.

Mando and his siblings were very happy and left for their home.

Not quite long, on one cool Sunday evening, the Head Master visited Mando's Father as he promised and in their conversation, he told the man that it was time he allowed his Children to come back to School especially the last 3 that were yet to be exposed to learning activities in the School. The man told the Head Master that he was preparing his Male children to be good farmers like him and his father before him while the Female children were being prepared to become good Housewives like their Mother.

The Head Master replied him that going to School will even enhance the children's knowledge on farming and its best practices now as hoe and cutlass farming was giving way to mechanized farming but all entreaties fell on deaf ears - the man could not budge - but in order not to seem as being very difficult to convince, he now said that the major reason really why his children were not in School was because he could not afford the fees and all that go with being in School, the Head Master quickly jumped in to ask him if he then had any objection to him enrolling the last three children in School and catering for their School needs?

The man pretended not to have heard well and so he said to the Head Master, you mean you want to enroll my last 3 children in your School? pay their school fees? buy their school uniforms? buy their text books? pay for their handcrafts? buy their sandals? and the Head Master replied Yes

The man asked - How long will that last?

And the Head Master replied for as long as they keep learning and passing their exams

To which the man now exclaimed - I have no objections and he quickly called Mando and his other siblings and their Mother to announce the good news that the Head Master brought to him. Mando was very happy and thanked the Head Master very profusely.

When shall we start Mando asked the Head Master and he replied that it would be by the next term as the current term was on its way out and before them their measurements would be taken for their new uniforms and they would be prepared for life in the School as Pupils.


  1. Waw!!

    Lemme guess the lesson of this beautiful story even though I felt deep down that it wouldn't have ended lolz.

    And the lesson goes in line with the saying that:
    "If you hang around the barber's shop sooner or later you'll have a hair cut."

    Another word I'll use to explain this story is that "Unwavering Determination on a set goal no matter the obstacles always comes to fufillment."

  2. 1. Mando the Determined and Inquisitive Child Who Dared To Dream Big.

    2. He was suffering from a myopic view of life based off of what he was taught. Sadly he never saw a big picture!

    3. She was a good house wife doing what's expected of a house wife -- giving birth to as much children as the husband wants -- and taking care of them by preparing meals for them.

    4. 5 Lessons:
    i. With unwavering hunger and grit, we can achieve whatever we set our minds on.
    ii. If one hangs around people that have what he wants, there's a high probability that he'll get what they have as well.
    iii. If one is bent on achieving a goal bigger than his usual circle, they will tend to discourage him/her but if that one refuses to be discouraged, he'll definitely achieve his desired goal.
    iv. The Universe (God) always brings situations and people that'll help us achieve our goals once we're ready to chase it.
    v. It's okay to be different. Dare to be different. Dare to Dream Big!!!

    5. I was expecting to read that Mando and his siblings resumed school the next session and Mando even came out brighter than many pupils of his class because he loved what he was doing (studies) and was doing it fine.

  3. Dr.Dennis Ekwedike: ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS; 1.The title I will give the story so far is 'He who earnestly desires or asks, gets'. 2. Mando's father is a son of his late father and a typical ignorant African man! 3. Mando's mother is a wise woman. 4.Five lessons worthy to be learnt from this unfolding story are (i) Determination payst off ( Determination on the side of Mando paid off. (ii) Courage is a great virtue( Mando's courage in approaching his father (iii) Action makes great ideas to manifest ( If Mando had not moved to play with the pupils,the story would have gone in a different direction.(iv) Ignorance is also a disease ( On the side of Mando's father's believe (v) Wisdom is profitable ( Mando's wisdom in knowing when to approach his father and begging him not to be angry before even asking ! 5. I anticipate that the story will end on a positive note !

  4. My suitable title for this story is "Make Obvious What You Desire"

    Mando desires to be like other kids and the best way to show his readiness is to gravitate towards them.
    The story corroborate with the saying that "what you see you become"

  5. My title to this beautiful story story is NEVER GIVE UP
    Things are I learned from this story are that, Never allow a Circumstances around you to make you settle for less, and it pays to ask questions from who is knowledgeable than you. And also, Determination, Persistent and Dogginess are vital tools for success. Thanks

  6. What a great determination exhibited by Mando.Whatever we have determined to do in our heart even if we presently don't have the resources to do so,we should keep believing that one day it will become a reality.And definitely the time for it's realisation will come.

  7. 1.Title of the story:Mando, the determined child.

    2.Mando's father gives his bestvtobwhay he knows how to do(farming).
    He is also a hot tempered man.
    He allowed his situation to limit him and left everything to chance.

    (3) Mando's mother is a home maker.A committed mother to the children and a committed wife to the husband.
    She is a petty trader and also supported her family in her own little way.

    (4)(I)Determination leads to success
    (ii)Be the best at what you do
    (III)Parents should learn to listen carefully and attentively to their children.
    (iv)It is good to help others as much as it kids within our capacity
    (v)We should never give up on our dreams.

  8. Contribution from Dr. Ukpannah Isaiah

    A very interesting piece...
    For title I thought of,1) a) Daring to be different .
    1b)The audacity of hope.
    2)The man is a homely and committed father. He was obviously regarded in his society though poor inspire.
    He obviously knew how to access help if he thought it genuine.But will do well opening up to new ideas.
    3)She is a devoted and loyal wife with a heart for her kids She has high regard for her husband.
    4)Don't bite more than you can chew.
    Analyse instructions in the light of present truth,knowledge and wisdom
    Try not to be a victim of circumstances
    Be humble, cautious and respectful in your approach
    Avoid frivolous confrontations
    Be bold and audacious
    Think to follow your positive instinct in God's world of ours
    Know how to receive with profuse appreciation and thankfulness
    Have regard for the authority over you
    Expect the best but don't be torn apart by temporary set backs
    Learn to unlearn the unneedful
    Avoid commitment of foolishness
    5)I should like a comedy, all things being equal which is where the problem lies.
    Thank you.

  9. A nice article,

    I would give it the title; Responsibilities

    Seeing that the dad entrusted the Mando with the knowledge of why he gave birth to many children, and Mando making a resolve to continue his education

  10. Best write up for a Monday morning... Was really inspiring.

  11. 1. Mando : Dare to dream

    2. He was a go getter in his own way... He fulfilled his grandfather's dream of having a large family.. he also wasn't egoistic to refuse the head teacher's offer.. his only problem was lack of knowledge and empowerment. In his own local way he was family oriented gathering all his children and there mother and Sharing the archaic family goal... Trust me Sir Mando got that fire from his father.

    3. She is in the category of "what life brings we take who are we to question or challenge the universe"...

    4. 1. My dreams are valid and achievable

    2. A step in the right direction is all I need.

    3. A single "No" shouldn't kill my dreams

    4. Networking grows your success chances.

    5. Poverty isn't a curse it's a choice

    5.Mando and his siblings became the pride of the school and brought honour to their family

  12. 1. TITLE: Positive Adventure
    2. MANDO'S FATHER: A loving family man that is firm and disciplined
    3. MANDO'S MOTHER: A committed and loving house wife
    (a) Be focused on what you want and do something to get it
    (b) Never you settle for mediocrity or for something that gives you pain, thinking that you can't change it
    (c) Try something different if what you've been doing all along is neither working or giving the desired results
    (d) Seek knowledge & understanding on why things are they way they are (Mando faced his father to know why he got too many children)
    (e) Program to find yourself in the midst of like minds. Iron sharpens iron and birds of the same feathers flocks together.
    5. END ANTICIPATED: Mando would earn a scholarship and further to graduate from a university and move on to become a very successful man

  13. Title...once there is a will, there is a way..
    Mando's father..responsible father doing his best for his family, really working hard.
    Mando's mother...faithful lady and living within the context of her culture.
    TOMORROW is uncertain and one should not give up..( the father never knew the children will eventually go to school
    DETERMINATION.. Mandy is quite determined to succeed despite all odds
    PERSEVERANCE.. MANDY persevered while playing with the other children during their break.
    INTEGRITY.. despite the obvious palpable poverty, MANDY was described as a man of integrity by the headmaster
    OPTIMISM...MANDY exhibited great optimism in all these

  14. My title would be; the ascending quest for success by Mando

    Mando's father was accustomed to a set of rules which cannot stand the evolving and generative rules in the present day/contemporary time.
    He was limited with the challenges around him. Though he was optimistic about a great future but wasn't doing anything fascinating to ascend to the future.
    He was almost transferring his limitations to his offsprings despite the quest of those children to create a different world for themselves.

    Mando's mother was very supportive and tolerated the unpleasant situation with cheerfulness and expectation.
    She was addictive in sustaining a lineage against her care. She was equally compassionate. This was hugely demonstrated when she cooks for her husband and sends to him in the farm.
    She was sacrificial too as was demonstrated in her forfeiture of meals most times along side the husband for the children to feed.

    The lessons learnt are enormous:
    1)Mando's "desire" to change the odd narratives he saw was a testamentary chronicle. He saw a bad situation but never relied on it but looked forward to a greater future.

    2)Mando's "determination" to get out of the mess pushed him to take his siblings along with him to school all day. That initiative and creativity landed him into relevant venture.

    3)Mando mother's sacrifice, compassion and support to the husband was fascinating in the journey to stardom. If the woman decided to nag at the situation, that man wouldn't have had enough to embark on farming to at least proffer food on the table.

    4)The father was working against all odds. He was very committed to it that, he never had time to come home for food rather the food was sent to him.

    5)The headmaster's decision to chat a future for these children was plausible. Many dreams continue to die because of lack of help. We must be apt to identify talents and assist them to the top.

    My anticipation of how the story will end is interesting. The story will position Mando for greatness. He will have a successful path considering the circumstances that have prevailed for him positively.

    This story is captivating, sharing it is just the best we can continue to do because the message leaves us with imprint that is massively engaging.

  15. Morgan Oscar
    1. A heart set on its goals never gives up

    2. Mando's father was a poor illiterate petty farmer who never saw the need for any form of civilization or proper family planning. He was always satisfied with the life of penury. He always believed fate only smiles on us when it deems fit, so there was no need to make efforts to get a better life

    3. Mando's mother, was an illiterate petty trader who did not know anything about family planning either and never understood the importance of raising children who will give both parents a better life and generally bring good fortune to the family.

    4. *Be determined to always make the best of the opportunities life presents you.
    *At every stage in life, there is always great room for improvement.
    *No one was born a failure, one only becomes a failure when they refuse to turn life's defeats into personal victories.
    *Always hope for the best regardless of the negativities surrounding your existence.
    *Only you have the willpower to rewrite your story.

    5. Mando will eventually get to school face his studies, and in due time become the great man he always thought of himself.

  16. 1. Where there is will, there is always a way.
    2. Mando’s father is the son of the father who is a typical African man who believes in primitive life.
    3. Mando’s mother is a typical African wife who is there to bear children and help in the farm works.
    4. He was determined to acquire education; He was persistent and bold; He was unyielding even in the face of hardship and took action; He was resilient; He was committed to the cause of gathering knowledge even though there is no way of affording it; He never relent in his belief to pursue education; and ignorant is disease on the part of Mando’s father.
    5. I believe it will end on a positive note

    1. From Agbo Njideka Nancy

      1. The title: You are your thoughts OR Discover your true worth.

      2. Mando's father is a man who believes in building large compound just like the grand father, he wants to take the responsibility of ensuring that the male linage continues, and don't see the need of training the children.

      3. Mando's mother is a submissive but illiterate wife who is willing to give birth to as many children as the husband wants not considering the fact that they don't have what it takes to train them. anything is ok by her, which is not good.

      4i. Don't allow your environment affect your mentality.

      4ii. Always make a move and not remain at a place and wish it happens

      4iii. Always be positive lol matter what.

      4iv. If you are in the position to make it happen do it (just like the head master did).

      4v. Always hope that the best will come, it's not yet over until it is over.

      5. The best is going to come out of Mando and the siblings.

    1.Dreams come through if you pursue them.
    2.He is a man,who has taken life as the way he sees it, without knowing that there are so many ways to catch a bird.
    3.She is a supportive wife who indulges in her activities well by supporting her family in her own little way.
    4i.pursue your dreams without being fearful.
    4ii.Persistence is a virtue.He persisted then,conquered.
    4iii.humility on the side of the father, because some other parents out of pride would have declined the offer.
    4iv.Determination is the key, for Mando is the only way out of his present situation.
    4v.Be positive about your desires and do something about it.
    5.i I foresee Mando and siblings making it at the end,ie.creating and living the life they have always wanted to live.


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