Before you were conceived in your Mother's womb, more than 25 million sperm cells struggled to fertilize the egg released by your Mother's ovary into her Fallopian Tube.
Only ONE sperm cell was
able to do that job, and that one sperm cell was the fastest, the most active,
the most agile and the most capable of them all. It was the GREATEST and the
So you are a product of the
most powerful sperm cell, the greatest and the best sperm cell.
Meaning that right from
conception, you had already been CHOSEN for GREATNESS.
This is already engraved
in your DNA, but its manifestation is entirely dependent on you.
And it starts with
believing in yourself. Believing that God has given you every tool that you
need to manifest your greatness, to manifest your success and to live the life
that you were born to live.
If you are unable to
visualize your greatness, then it would be difficult to manifest it because
most times perception is reality and that's because the subconscious mind is
always playing tricks with the conscious mind.
But if you are able to
visualize your greatness, then it would be easy to manifest it because
"whatever the mind of man is able to conceive, that man is surely able to
manifest and achieve"
It's time to manifest your
Yes, it's just about
Think about it today
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