They're powerful forces of energy which shape and create your life.
Thoughts which are played in your mind repeatedly become beliefs.
Beliefs are picked up by your subconscious mind, which then connects with the universe to create your life based on what you think and believe. Your life is really a mirror of what you think and believe.
Negative thoughts need to be removed because they'll eventually destroy your life and make you feel like
nothing will ever work out.
When you have a mind filled negative thoughts you feel miserable,
inadequate and you'll experience
failure after failure no matter
how hard you try to succeed.
Negative thinking forces you to make the wrong choices or poor decisions.
When that happens you'll end up in bad relationships and you'll struggle with money. You'll have more stress, fear and anxiety.
If you want to succeed, and live a life of abundance, and prosperity
you have to eliminate any consistent negative thinking, and negative
You also have to replace those negative thoughts with positive thoughts that allow you to succeed and enjoy life.
Today I show you how to eliminate negative thinking and replace it with positive thoughts and positive beliefs so you experience a better life.
You weren't born with Negative thoughts and negative beliefs. They developed over
They come from your friends, your family, fellow co-workers, advisers, teachers,
even strangers and they come from
you, that's right YOU!
You often create most of your negative thoughts. You allow theme to expand
because you haven't trained your
mind to be positive and you
haven't created positive beliefs that
allow you to succeed.
Everyday you're bombarded with a series of negative thoughts and negative
As you continue to absorb all of these negative messages you create a
negative thinking pattern that
leads to negative and limiting
Negative thoughts are like weeds.
If you don't take care of them and clear them early they'll take over your
entire mind and destroy any
positive thoughts and beliefs.
Negative thoughts are thoughts like: "I'm not good enough, it will
never work, It's a waste of time,
I won't succeed, I'll only fail
again, it's my fault, I'm not
worthy..." and so on (you
get the idea).
These are all thoughts that don't allow you to succeed and will only lead to more failure.
I call them the weeds of the mind, because they destroy everything good
and positive. If you don't remove
them, the spread very quickly and
continue destroying your life.
So how do you get rid of these weeds?
You start by replacing them with positive thoughts, positive feelings, and begin spreading this positive energy in every area of your life
When you have a negative thought that says you can't do something; think of why you can do something.
When you think of what might go wrong, change those negative thoughts and
think about what can go right.
When you feel you can't accomplish something, think of why you can accomplish
Recite affirmations, these are the seeds of your new positive way of thinking.
Work with as many techniques as you can to get rid of the weeds and plant new
seeds for positive thinking and
positive living.
The results will come when you least expect it.
You have to continue nurturing your mind and subconscious mind with positive
Before you know it you'll begin to see dramatic changes.
When will you see these changes?
When you eliminate the negative thinking.
Start removing the negative thoughts and get rid of the weeds of your mind.
Now change those negative and negative beliefs.
yourself with positive thoughts and positive
beliefs. Just follow the simple system I've
put together for you and you'll get rid of
the negative thoughts and negative beliefs in
Tend to the garden of your mind.
Remove the weeds of negative and limiting
Replace these weeds with new seeds of positive thinking, positive feelings and
positive energy.
Continue nurturing your mind and subconscious
mind by working with positive
techniques so you keep the weeds
of negative thinking out of your mind and
move in a new, positive direction.
When you hear those negative thoughts that say you can't - change them. Get rid of
Only when you plant new positive beliefs on your subconscious will you see changes. I
show you how to create the right
beliefs so you direct your subconscious
mind to create the life you want.
Just follow the simple steps I share with you
This is your life - make the most of it.
Don't let the weeds of negative thinking destroy your life. Eliminate the weeds, plant
new positive beliefs and you'll
create the life you want
Very interesting and highly motivating