is the most foundational practice.
It is the leverage point for the rest of your life
because it influences literally everything else you do.
the day with meditation, as opposed to immediately throwing yourself into the
fray of technological distraction, establishes an undertone of calm focus for
the rest of the day.
Here’s an easy, simple and quick way to start with meditation and turn it into a daily habit.
Here’s an easy, simple and quick way to start with meditation and turn it into a daily habit.
So why is
something that is universally recognized for its expansive benefits practiced
by so few? What’s with the resistance?
Well, when it comes to
creating a regular meditation habit, there are three main excuses:
“I want to meditate but I
don’t know how.”
“I can’t stick to a
meditation habit.”
“I don’t have time to
As you’re about to see,
all of these are unjustified and can easily be overcome.
Here’s an easy, simple and
quick way to build a meditation habit that makes all of those excuses
The Snooze Time Meditation
This meditation should be
the very first thing you do when you wake up every morning.
1. Use the snooze option
on your alarm
Chances are that you wake
up to an alarm, either an actual alarm clock or your phone. When your alarm
goes off, hit the snooze button and, instead of going back to sleep, use that
snooze time as meditation time.
2. Sit up on your bed
After you hit the snooze
button, simply sit up as straight as possible. You can cross your legs on your
bed or put your feet on the floor, whichever is more comfortable. I recommend
sitting up because if you don’t, you’ll probably just fall back asleep.
3. Take 10 slow, deep
Breathe into your belly,
preferably through your nose. This will help calm your mind and relax your
4. Observe your thoughts
for the duration of the snooze time
Just observe your
thoughts. That’s it. No need to judge or resist them, just witness. Having
expectations will just make you feel like you’re “doing it wrong.”
And really there’s no
right or wrong way to meditate.
So let go of expectations.
Here’s an analogy that
might help: You are the sky and your thoughts are merely clouds passing
by. Simply observe the clouds as they come and go.
If you don’t wake up to an
alarm, here’s an alternate strategy. You can just approximate 2-5 minutes of
meditation after taking 10 deep breaths.
Don’t worry about the
exactitude of the time. It’s the regularity of meditation that makes it most
effective, not how exact the duration of your meditation time is.
I also recommend 5 minutes
or less to begin with because you’re much more likely to stick to it (even a 20
minute session will seem daunting at first and is easier to avoid than to do).
You will get far more
benefits from meditating for 2 minutes every day than by meditating for an hour
once a month.
Think about it like
showering or brushing your teeth, just for your mind and spirit.
You don’t shower for an
hour once a month to clean your body, right?
A short, daily practice is
far more effective than a long, but infrequent, practice.
How This Simple Meditation Habit Annihilates the Three
Big Excuses
“I want to meditate but I
don’t know how.” – You can’t take 10 deep breaths and observe your
thoughts for a few minutes?
C’mon, everyone can do it.
“I can’t stick to a
meditation habit.” – You brush your teeth and get dressed every day,
A short, simple meditation
habit is easier than both of those.
It requires no objects or
tools either. And it’s basically doing nothing.
You can’t sit and do
nothing for a few minutes a day?
“I don’t have time to
meditate.” – Everyone has 5 minutes to set aside every day.
If you think you don’t,
you have to really reevaluate your time management skills.
Plus, if it’s literally
the first thing you do when you wake up, there’s absolutely no excuse.
Wake up 5 minutes earlier
if you have to.
Oh, and then there’s the
old Zen proverb, “You should sit in meditation for twenty minutes every day —
unless you’re too busy. Then you should sit for an hour.”
You see, meditation will
greatly enhance your productivity and make it seem like you have more time each
Everyone can incorporate
this simple meditation habit into their lives. There’s really no excuse not to.
How to Stick to It
Think of it as a system,
not a goal.
Having a systems approach,
instead of a goal-oriented approach, will help you stick to any habit.
What this means is focusing
on the system or the process, as opposed to what you’re going to get out of it.
So instead of focusing on
achieving enlightenment or having no thoughts by meditating, simply focus on
meditating for a few minutes every day without being attached to the results.
The goal is the process
and the process is the goal. It sounds simple, but it’s a powerful change in
mindset that will actually give you more results in the long run.
If you think you need a
reminder for the first few days, you can set an alarm or email reminder for
yourself at night. In doing this, you’ll remind yourself the night before to
meditate when you wake up the next morning. Another technique that I personally
use is to set the intention of meditating the next morning right before falling
asleep. This solidifies the intent to follow through with it.
Meditation doesn’t have to
be fancy, long or complicated. It’s not only for monks sitting in the
Anyone and everyone can
meditate, regardless of who you are or what kind of lifestyle you live.
Make a promise to yourself
to start meditating tomorrow morning and stick to it.
You have no excuse not to.
Source: Purpose Fairy
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