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Showing posts from May, 2021

Mando And His World

  Mando And His World   As a child, Mando believed that he would make a difference in his world. Something in him used to tell him that he did not belong to the world he was presently in. Mando's world was that of lack and deprivation. His family was poor, utterly poor and Mando was the 8th of 10 Children that his Parents had. His Father was a subsistent farmer and his Mother a petty trader. They could barely afford 2 meals in a day. Because of the many mouths to feed, both Parents sometimes went hungry just to ensure that their children had something to eat. Clothing was a different kettle of fish, Mando and his siblings barely had clothes and went bare-bodied most of the time. Sandals and silpas were a luxury, but they got used to moving around bare feet even on thorny surfaces. Being a farmer, Mando's Father would leave the house very early in the morning and come back late in the evening. Sometimes, his wife would cook and then send the food with one of...

How To Take Control Of Your Racing Mind!

  How To Take Control Of Your Racing Mind!   It's no fun to go through your days with a hundred ideas running around in your head at the same time. Confusion, annoyance, rage, negativity, fear, and other negative emotions may all affect your mood. All that dense energy can have an effect on your health over time. Is your mind still busier than you'd like it to be? Do you wish you could fall asleep quickly at night but find it difficult due to your racing mind? You're unable to relax your nervous system? Take heart, dear one; there are techniques you can learn to help you relax and enjoy some much-needed peace and quiet. Living mindfully is a good place to start. It's not uncommon for chaos to come before clarity. Confusion and chaos will appear just when you're about to reach a breakthrough or enter a new season of your life. Have you ever had that happen to you? It's as if all hell breaks loose in your head, and you fear you...