Even When We Know Better Yet We Think Negatively - Why? Why do we think negatively when we know better? Because thinking negatively, expecting “the worst,” seeing the downside of positive situations, and even downright expecting failure, all convey a kind of backwards-thinking, emotional insurance policy. It goes something like, “If I expect a tragedy, then I won’t be disappointed when it takes place.” Of course, this is NOT what we truly want or need in our lives. So how can we stop talking ourselves into these thinking traps? Let’s take a look at two powerful ways to quiet the negative inner voice that leads us astray: 1. Start focusing on the grey area between the extremes. Life simply isn’t black or white – 100% of this or 100% of that – all or nothing. Thinking in extremes like this is a fast way to misery, because negative thinking tends to view any situation that’s less than perfect as being extremely bad...
Awakened Minds Incorporated is your go to place for topics and discussions around the subject matter of our minds - the depth and breadth of it. When we control our minds, we become the Masters but when our minds control us, we become the servants and what a terrible Master the Mind is.