Today, I want to share a habit with you that will improve all areas of your life and well-being. That habit is Meditation For starters, meditation is about being fully in the present moment. It has nothing to do with religion or a religious ritual. What it means is you are just being aware of what is happening right here right now and not thinking about things you need to do, what has happened in the past or what is going to happen. Sounds simple ? Try to empty your mind and not think about anything for 1 minute. Did you see thoughts floating into your mind ? Meditation is recognizing that your mind is like the sky and your thoughts are the clouds. Let the clouds pass by but don't follow through. Just be aware that the clouds are passing through. Don't feel bad if you get caught up in a thought, just be aware and go back to the original state. I first came across Meditation in a youtube video. I...