Money blocks prevent you from making and having more money. Usually these money blocks are created with a single negative thought like: "It's hard to make money" or "I don't know what to do to make more money." Then they get stronger and spread, creating more and more money blocks. Before you know it you can't make more money. I used to have money blocks. No matter what I tried I just couldn't make more money. Nothing seemed to work. Then I discovered how to remove those money blocks and once those blocks were gone the floodgates opened. I began making more than I wanted and even today my subconscious keeps bringing me more and more money making opportunities. Now you too can have the same success. Yes you can make and have more money - you can have as much as you want - or more. You just have to get rid of those money blocks on your subconscious mind When you h...
Awakened Minds Incorporated is your go to place for topics and discussions around the subject matter of our minds - the depth and breadth of it. When we control our minds, we become the Masters but when our minds control us, we become the servants and what a terrible Master the Mind is.